Home . Shop . ANDIS ProFoil® Lithium Titanium Foil Assembly and Inner Cutters
ANDIS ProFoil® Lithium Titanium Foil Assembly and Inner Cutters
You’re a part of something special, a timeless tradition of imaginative creators who touch lives. Celebrate your unique contribution with the ProFoil Shaver Foil and Cutters––extra-fresh blades for the most important moments in life.
You don’t just cut hair. You craft wedding-day style, boost confidence for job interviews, and lay the foundations of everyday personal expression. Coated in rich, durable golden-titanium, these fine, glossy foils effortlessly finish fades and shave down to smooth skin for silky, polished looks. Ultra-strong inner cutters make quick work of stubble and hair of all types and textures. Expertly designed for the ProFoil® Shaver series, the set includes detailed instructions, making assembly replacement quick and easy.
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